This procedure addresses two issues relating to asbestos containing materials (ACMs): ACM found in equipment and parts and ACM found in building materials. The proper procedure for the handling of ACM such as gaskets, set screw packing, geothermal valve packing, geothermal wellhead casing packoff materials, and other potential ACMs found in equipment being repaired, refurbished, or scrapped is discussed along with procedures for handling asbestos in building materials.
This procedure is designed to ensure that employee exposure to asbestos fibers is minimized or eliminated and that ACM is removed, stored, and disposed of properly during the repair, refurbishment, or scrapping of equipment. In addition, procedures are established for preparing for demolition or renovation activities in buildings, shops, warehouses, and other structures that may contain ACM.
This procedure applies to all Company employees and contractors who may come into contact with ACM while performing work on equipment. This procedure also addresses demolition or renovation activities in structures or buildings that contain
ACM as defined in the Asbestos NESHAP (40 CFR Part 61, Subpart M).
NOTE: It is the policy of COMPANY that no demolition or renovation activities occur in any owned or leased office buildings, warehouses, shops, or other buildings without the prior approval of the HSE Department. Under no circumstances shall any employee or contractor hired by COMPANY demolish or renovate building materials without first obtaining approval from the HSE Department. Approval will be dependent upon sampling and analysis of the building materials planned for renovation.
3.1 Department Supervisor or District Manager
a. Understand this procedure and communicate the information in the procedure to employees.
b. Train employees on the hazards of asbestos and ACM work procedures.
c. Ensure no renovation or demolition activities occur to building materials without prior approval.
d. Ensure ACM is properly stored and disposed of according to state and local regulations.
3.2 HSE Coordinator
a. Identify gasket and packing materials that are ACM through sampling and analysis or review of purchased materials.
b. Assist Department Supervisor or District Manager with implementation of this procedure, including training and proper disposal of ACM.